Love those Mustangs!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The nonprofit that has been collecting donations towards David’s kidney transplant expenses is moving from Nashville to Hollywood at the end of June. Therefore, another couple that The Tysons worked with back in the 70’s has offered to administer this life-giving charity through their nonprofit organization.

From this date forward, please send all contributions to CMES, INC. (Charles Massegee Evangelistic Service, Inc – ***HIS WEB SITE MUST BE OPENED THROUGH INTERNET EXPLORER ONLY to view site!) No funds will be withheld for administration but will go directly to David and Carol to cover their expenses during surgery and recovery for the following three months. Make check payable to CMES, INC. You may make credit card payments online at their website. Click on: Invest and then Paypal at the bottom of the page.

The address for CMES, Inc is: Box 96, Ranger, TX 76470. If you have questions regarding the nonprofit please call Charles Massegee at 214.801.7383. Charles has been a full-time evangelist for 55 years. He and his beautiful wife, Beverly, have gone through 3 kidney transplants with their daughter starting at the age of 4 months! She is 27 now!

Please do not make the check out to: David Tyson Fund or even put this on the memo section of the check. Enclose a NOTE stating that these funds are “In Honor of David Tyson.” That way the nonprofit will not get in trouble with the IRS over “designated gifts”.